
Mother Love - Newborn Russia (E28)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

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And Dad Too - Newborn Russia (E31)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Woman Gives Birth Only 30 Minutes After Finding Out Shes Pregnant | I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant

After unexpectedly going into labour at work, Nikki is rushed to hospital where she finds out she is pregnant. Only 3 hours after starting labour, she has a new baby girl.

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It’s A Boy - Newborn Russia (E34)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Pre-Term Risk - Newborn Russia (E42)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

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