Как выхаживают недоношенных детей

Недоношенного малыша сразу после рождения помещают в кувез – инкубатор, в котором автоматически поддерживается нужная температура (34-37°С) и влажность воздуха (обычно около 90%). Разработаны кувезы разных модификаций, где в условиях, приближенных к внутриутробным, малыш «дозревает». На каком сроке родился ваш малыш? Пишите в комментариях в наших группах в соцсетях.

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Нормы развития младенца: когда должен сесть, встать, пойти

Интервью невролога Данияра Жураева www.instagram.com/nedmedicina/
Когда должен появиться тот или иной навык у малыша — частый вопрос на приеме у педиатра. Все привыкли, что в месяц должен держать голову, в полгода сесть, в год начать ходить. Но, согласно нормам ВОЗ, у границ развития навыков достаточно широкий диапазон. А для лечения и вовсе нет причин.

К сожалению, YouTube закрыл нам комментарии. Поэтому просим поддержать нас лайком и приглашаем присоединиться к нашей теплой компании и в соцсетях. Тут можно обсудить любую тему:

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Missing Fathers - Newborn Russia (E48)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Triplets and Trios - Newborn Russia (E50)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Would-be-mother’s husband

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Yulia is 34 and a proud mother of a little girl. Now she’s getting ready for her second natural delivery. Her husband Dmitry and sister Lidia are supporting her. In fact, the two can’t agree on who’ll have the honour of being present during Yulia’s labour. Dmitry insists it’s his right as the baby’s father, but Lidia says she needs to be there for her sister as they’ve always been very close. The sisters are indeed inseparable and even still live together despite Yulia being married and raising a family. Will Dmitry and Lidia reach a compromise or will one of them prevail?

Meanwhile, 32-year-old Irina is getting ready for her first delivery. She and her husband Aleksandr have been together for 16 years and have gone through 3 IVF treatments to have this baby. Now Irina can’t wait to finally hold her son in her hands, but the baby is in no hurry to be born. As her pregnancy is overdue, Irina may either have to have her labour induced or opt for a C-section.

Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Trying to avoid a repeat of a traumatic first labour - Newborn Russia (E16)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Diana is about to have her third child. She’s going to have a C-section. As she’s had this procedure before, she knows what to expect and isn’t too worried. Still, she asks her husband, Aleksey, to be there to support her. The couple recently lost their four-year-old son to a vicious virus. They are still grieving their loss, but say that they probably wouldn’t be having their third child had they not experienced that tragedy. It will be a surprise baby as doctors are unable to tell them definitively whether it’s a girl or a boy. The mystery will be revealed only after the baby’s born.

In her maternity ward, Diana has made friends with Svetlana, who’s expecting her second child, a girl. Svetlana is hoping to avoid a C-section and give birth naturally. Her husband’s name is also Aleksey and he will also be present at the birth. Svetlana’s counting on his support. Her first time giving birth turned out to be traumatic for her baby and she’s now nervous of another bad experience. Despite the doctors’ concerns about Aleksey’s wellbeing, he is determined to stay by his wife’s side as his child comes into the world.

Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way. Watch full series at rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

A baby is for life - Newborn Russia (E17)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Woman Gives Birth In Her Bed In The Middle Of The Night! | I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant

Jen, a 26 year old nurse, only realised she was pregnant after hearing her baby crying moments after giving birth. One night Jen struggled to get to sleep due to what she originally believed was menstrual cramps. She couldnt believe what happened next.

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