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Зачем пить рыбий жир

Зачем пить рыбий жир. Консультация врача

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Тональные крема для СУХОЙ кожи www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwPAc...

Аквапарк в Паттайе CARTOON NETWORK AMAZONE www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxcz8...

ФИКС ПРАЙС покупки февраля 2017 www.youtube.com/watch?v=prJ8x...

Удаление ТАТУАЖА и Тату ЛАЗЕРОМ www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3_GJ...

Всем привет! Меня зовут Ольга и вы на канале OLKIN TV.

Здесь Вы увидите:
1. Обзоры косметики, описание средств для ухода за сухой кожей.
2. Бюджетные покупки, и не только…
3. Влоги из повседневной жизни и путешествий.
4. Другие процедуры по уходу за телом и кожей (биоревитализация, сведение татуажа и татуировок, восстановление кожи после солнечных ожогов).

Так как я обладательница сухой кожи то я всегда подхожу очень тщательно к выбору косметики. Иногда я делаю салонные процедуры для сухой кожи, но больше всего я люблю тестировать рецепты домашних скрабов, пилингов и масок, которые ни чуть не хуже работают на сухой коже лица.

Кроме этого я делюсь с вами своими успехами по сведению татуажа и тату лазером. Татуировку я набила себе еще в школе и спустя несколько лет пожалела об этом. А что касается татуажа бровей, то тут мне, как и многим не повезло с мастером. А если быть до конца честной – погналась за низкой ценой.

Видео о бюджетных покупках из магазина Фикс Прайс, Заодно, Aliexpress или просто выгодных покупках – вы так же найдете на моем канале.

Я очень люблю жаркие страны и Тайланд является тем местом в которое мы с мужем возвращаемся снова и снова. Мы путешествуем своим ходом, налегке и делимся этим опытом с вами.

ПОДПИШИСЬ, чтобы не пропустить новые видео!!!


Маше 16 лет, она всегда была активисткой, хорошисткой и примерной дочерью. Вот только несмотря на все старания, отношения с мамой не складываются – ее интересуют исключительно уроки, а не то, что у Маши на душе. А там Саша – первая любовь! И первая близость, которая обернулась беременностью… И даже тогда вместо слов поддержки Маша услышала грозное: «Едем на аборт!»

Смотреть все серии Беременна в 16: www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4VErPz66Aw

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Woman Gives Birth In Her Bed In The Middle Of The Night! | I Didnt Know I Was Pregnant

Jen, a 26 year old nurse, only realised she was pregnant after hearing her baby crying moments after giving birth. One night Jen struggled to get to sleep due to what she originally believed was menstrual cramps. She couldnt believe what happened next.

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When mum comes to the rescue - Newborn Russia (E20)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Darima is looking forward to giving birth but as it will be her first time, she is blissfully unaware of how hard it can be. Nevertheless, she still thinks she’d like some support in the delivery room and asks her mother to be with her for the birth. Reluctantly, the mother agrees and proves an invaluable helper, she has both experience and seems to be a naturally gifted psychologist.

Darima’s neighbour in the maternity hospital is Albina, who is expecting her second daughter. Because she remembers her first childbirth, she’s much more nervous than Darima. Sadly, Albina will have no one to lean on during her labour, her husband has to stay home to look after their first daughter. Darima offers a brilliant solution, if they could synchronise their birthing, Darima’s mother could attend to them both!

Another concern for Albina is that she suffered postnatal depression after her first child and didn’t feel ready for another child quite so soon. Over the course of her pregnancy though she’s come to terms with how things are and feels much more positive about becoming a second-time mother.

Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way. Watch full series at rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

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RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

A husband’s invaluable support - Newborn Russia (E21)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Lana, is 35 and having her first baby, a boy who she hopes, will look just like his father. The love of Lana’s life was the first man she’d ever met with whom she really felt that she wanted to have a child. But this is no storybook romance, he is already married with a family of his own. Lana says she’s content with the situation but has no idea how she’ll cope on her own with a new born baby.

At the other end of the spectrum we meet Nina; she has confidence in her ideal family. Husband and son, Aleksey and Matvey can’t wait to meet the new addition to their family. Matvey is making predictions about when his little brother will be born. His timing is wide off the mark which can be forgiven, he’s only 5 and doesn’t quite have a medical degree yet! Aleksey wants to be there to support his wife during childbirth. It will be his first time in a delivery room but he’s sure he’ll cope. Nina is confident, that being a good mom is so much easier when there’s a good dad around. With her husband by her side, cracking jokes and providing massage, Nina is sure that her second childbirth will go much more easily than the first.

Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way. Watch full series at rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Twin Surprise

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Kristina and her husband Andrey live and work together. They are colleagues and work as flight attendants. Kristina is about to give birth to their baby, and she wants Andrey to be by her side now as well. Unfortunately for him, he finds this prospect much more frightening than flying over the ocean or anything else he’s ever done in his life. He feels sure he’ll faint, but decides it’s his duty to support his wife. Then, as he plucks up the courage to join his wife in the delivery room, Kristina decides to spare him the experience. However, by now Andrey is determined to go through with it. Meanwhile, the doctors are making bets on whether or not he’ll manage.

Lyudmila’s husband, sadly, won’t be able to visit her in the maternity hospital, but her sister, Olga, is there to support her. Lyudmila is expecting twins. However, she and her husband decided to keep that secret from the rest of the family, so her sister has no idea she’s about to become an aunt twice. Lyudmila is hoping she’ll give birth naturally, however, with twins this option is much less likely.

Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way. Watch full series at rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/

Older Mothers - Newborn Russia (E27)

Complete series: rtd.rt.com/films/newborn-russia-series/
Where do Russians come from? In modern Russia, life usually begins at state-run maternity hospitals; it is up to these medical establishments to deliver new babies into the world. RTd takes you inside the delivery room, where youll meet expectant mothers, nervous fathers, and the men and women whose task it is to perform deliveries and face any challenges that stand in the way.

SUBSCRIBE TO RTD Channel to get documentaries firsthand! bit.ly/1MgFbVy

RTD ON TWITTER: twitter.com/RT_DOC
RTD ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/RTDocumentary
RTD ON DAILYMOTION www.dailymotion.com/rt_doc
RTD ON INSTAGRAM instagram.com/rt_documentary/
RTD LIVE rtd.rt.com/on-air/